- Android 11
- Barcode Scanner 1D/2D
- 4 Inch Display
- Hardware Keyboard
- 4G/LTE
- WLAN, GPRS, Bluetooth
- Camera
- Optional Pistol Grip
How can I accept bar code or RFID data in the input field of an app?
The Android app devin can be used for this. Devin allows to transfer the data scanned by the barcode scanner or RFID reader of a LogiScan-15xx to the keyboard buffer or the clipboard of Android. Alternatively, a broadcast message is also possible. Thus, barcode scanners and RFID readers can serve as a data source for each app.
How can I exit the aiBrowser or other aitronic apps?
The aiBrowser and other aitronic apps can be exited by the appropriate admin menu function (the admin menu is password-protected).
How can I extend the battery life?
The following power tips may help your device consume less power and thus be usable longer.
How can I install an Android app outside Google Playstore?
Android installation packages have the extension "apk". If you see such an Android installation packag file with the File Explorer or the Internet browser, the installation is started by tapping the file name.
How can I make a screenshot?
Press the power button and the button on the left side of the unit. When capturing the screenshot, a frame around the screen is displayed, a camera sound is emitted and an info is displayed in the notification bar. The screenshot file is stored in the directory Pictures/Screenshots.
How can I restart the device?
Press the power button until a menu appears. Select "Restart" from the menu.
How should a device be stored when it is not used for a long time?
For certain applications (e.g., inventory) the devices are used only once a year for a few days. If a device is not used for an extended period of time, appropriate precautions should be taken. The battery should be fully charged before storage and then removed from the device. The battery must be recharged after 12 months at the latest, as it will discharge itself during the rest period. Within three months, depending on the temperature, up to 80% of the charge will be lost. At high temperatures, the discharge is correspondingly faster. The ideal temperatures for an unused battery are between 15° C and 30° C. Large temperature fluctuations are generally detrimental to batteries and should be avoided.
We want to introduce barcode recognition in our company. Which barcode type should we choose?
The different barcode types differ in some cases substantially in terms of the character size, the information density, the max. Number of codable characters and security. While 1D barcodes can be read by almost all barcode readers (1D and 2D barcode scanners) 2D barcode scanners are required for 2D barcodes. All these characteristics and criteria must be taken into account when bar codes are to be used in a company.
What can I do if there are problems with wireless reception?
Install the app "Fritz WLAN" from the Google Playstore and start it.
Under the tab "Environment", you can see if there are other WLAN access points in the environment and which channels are used by them. Set up a channel on your WLAN access point that is still free (can be done at the WLAN access point with the appropriate administration tool) or on which a remote WLAN access point with a corresponding low signal strength is sent.
Under tab "My WLAN", the signal strength is recorded over time. When you move around with the unit in the room, you can check the reception in various places.
What do I need to develop my own Android app?
As a development environment, Android Studio (can be downloaded free from the Android website). A description of Android Studio's main features includes the App Development for Android page.
The corresponding SDK is required for the relevant target platform. This can be downloaded from the product page of the respective device.
The Android app devin is available for LogiScan-15xx devices. This provides a convenient software interface to barcode and RFID readers. For a detailed description, refer to devin.
What is ADB?
The ADB (Android Debug Bridge) is a software interface between the PC and the Android device. The ADB allows direct communication between the two devices. This includes a file transfer function as well as the ability to run commands on the Android system via ADB and to access components of the system. The ADB can be started and operated via the Windows console "cmd". To be able to use ADB
What is the Android App ScannerDemo for?
The ScannerDemo app is used to demonstrate the integrated barcode scanner / RFID reader and includes functions such as scanner / RFID module on / off, scanning of barcodes / RFID tag and output of the scanned codes with the preceding type.
What to do if the subdirectories of the "aitronic" directory are no longer displayed via MTP?
Delete the "storage" directory. This deletes all files generated from the database. However, the database is preserved.
Why can't I use my camera when devin is activated?
For communication with camera, bar code scanner and RFID reader is used by Android the same serial interface. If devin is activated, the relevant serial interface is switched to barcode scanners or RFID scanners. Therefore, Android can not access the camera. However, in order to make the camera available, the keycode of a key must be defined in devin under "Function → Disable devin via Key", which temporarily deactivate devin before the camera is used. As soon as one of the devin-defined scan buttons is pressed, the activation of devin is activated again.